Set up experiences

Vessel Earth - Cité de l'Espace

  • Sciences
  • Films & Animations
  • Mappings & projections
Exhibition space Vaisseau Terre, 2020.
Kiosk for viewing an animated film.
Vessel Earth

“Vessel Earth” a temporary exhibition aimed at families, offered by the Cité de l'Espace. Its goal is to raise awareness about the extraordinary uniqueness of Earth and the challenges related to climate change.

Through motion design films, visitors will immerse themselves in the role and characteristics of satellites. A multi-screen application will also allow exploration of how these technologies are used to prevent natural disasters and manage environmental risks. Finally, the exhibition features a section dedicated to eco-friendly actions, encouraging everyone to adopt concrete steps to protect our planet.

  • Place

  • Year

  • Duration

    12 months
  • Visit route

    250 m²
Viewing a film while lying down, with the screen positioned above the visitor's head.

Test your knowledge of living organisms with this multiplayer quiz.

Multiplayer quiz: 4 screens arranged around a table.

Be vigilant and respond to natural disasters using satellites in this interactive multimedia experience.

Interactive setup with three touchscreen displays.
Exhibition space Vaisseau Terre, 2020.
Excerpt from an animated film about satellites.
Exhibition space Vaisseau Terre, 2020.

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